Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan-- Agriculture 6. Quarter 1, Weeks 1-10: Daily Lesson Log

Teacher's Guide, Lesson Plan, Lesson Exemplar  |  -  |  ZIP

Published on 2017 June 1st

A daily lesson log in discussing the scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees and the scientific processes in animal/fish raising.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 6
Technology and Livelihood Education
Propagating trees and fruit trees
Conducts survey to find out persons in the community whose occupation is animal fourlegged fish raising kinds of fourlegged animalsfish being raised as means of livelihood possible hazards that animal raising can cause to the people and community ways to prevent hazards brought about by raising animals market demands for animalfish products and byproducts direct consumers or retailers benefits that can be derived from animalfish raising stories of successful entrepreneurs in animalfish raising Implements plan on animalfish raising monitors growth and progress keeps an updated record of growthprogress expandsenhances ones knowledge of animalfish raising using the internet

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Department of Education -- Central Office
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