Teaching Guide for Senior High School on General Chemistry 2

Teacher's Guide  |  PDF

Published on 2022 January 11th

This teaching guide contains topics on inter-molecular forces and liquids and solids, physical properties of solutions, thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, chemical thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, acid-base equilibria and salt solution equilibria, and electrochemistry

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 11
Matter and its properties Measurements Atoms, Molecules, and Ions Stoichiometry Gases Gases: Dalton’s Law of partial pressures Gas stoichiometry Gases:Kinetic molecular theory of gases Electronic Structure of Atoms Electronic Structure and Periodicity Chemical Bonding Ionic Bonds Covalent Bonds Organic compounds Intermolecular Forces and Liquids and Solids Physical Properties of Solutions energy changes in chemical reactions Chemical Kinetics Chemical Thermodynamics Chemical Equilibrium Acid-Base Equilibria and Salt Equilibria Electrochemistry
Recognize that substances are
made up of smaller particles Describe and/or make a
representation of the
arrangement, relative spacing,
and relative motion of the
particles in each of the three
phases of matter Distinguish between extensive and
intensive properties and give
examples Differentiate between pure
substances and mixtures Differentiate between elements
and compounds Differentiate between
homogenous and heterogenous
mixtures Recognize the formulas of
common chemical substances Describe separation techniques for
mixtures and compounds Compare consumer products on
the basis of their components for
use, safety, quality and cost (lab) apply simple separation
techniques such as distillation,
chromatography Differentiate between precision and accuracy (lab) determine the density of liquids & solids Explain how the basic laws of
matter (law of conservation of
mass, law of constant composition,
law of multiple proportion) led to
the formulation of dalton’s atomic
theory Describe dalton’s atomic theory Recognize common isotopes and
their uses. Differentiate among atoms,
molecules, ions and give examples Give the similarities and differences
between the empirical formula and
molecular formula of a compound Name compounds given their
formula and write formula given
the name of the compound (lab) practice chemical
nomenclature: writing the chemical
formulas of ionic compounds;
naming ionic compounds from
formulas Explain relative atomic mass and
average atomic mass Define a mole Illustrate avogadro’s number with
examples Calculate the mass of a given
number of moles of an element or
compound or vice versa Calculate the mass of a given
number of particles of an element
or compound or vice versa Calculate the percent composition
of a compound from its formula Calculate the empirical formula
from the percent composition of a
compound Calculate molecular formula given
molar mass Interpret the meaning of a
balanced chemical reaction in
terms of the law of conservation of
mass Describe evidences that a chemical
reaction has occurred (lab) perform exercises on
writing and balancing chemical
equations Construct mole or mass ratios for
a reaction in order to calculate the
amount of reactant needed or
amount of product formed in terms
of moles or mass Calculate percent yield and
theoretical yield of the reaction Explain the concept of limiting
reagent in a chemical reaction;
identify the excess reagent(s) Calculate reaction yield when a
limiting reagent is present (lab) determine mass
relationship in a chemical reaction Define pressure and give the
common units of pressure Express the gas laws in equation
form Apply the principles of
stoichiometry to determine the
amounts (volume, number of
moles, or mass) of gaseous
reactants and products Relate the rate of gas effusion with
molar mass (lab) demonstrate graham’s law
of effusion in an experiment Relate the stability of noble gases
to their electron configuration Relate the stability of noble gases
to their electron configuration Draw the lewis structure of ions Predict the formula of the ionic
compound formed by a metal and
non-metal among the
representative elements Lewis structure of ionic compounds List the properties of ionic
compounds and explain these
properties in terms of their
structure (lab) perform exercises on
writing lewis structures of
ions/ionic compounds and
molecules Use the kinetic molecular model
to explain properties of liquids
and solids Describe and differentiate the
types of intermolecular forces Predict the intermolecular
forces possible for a molecule Describe the following
properties of liquids, and
explain the effect of
intermolecular forces on these
properties: surface tension,
viscosity, vapor pressure,
boiling point, and molar heat of
vaporization Explain the properties of water
with its molecular structure and
intermolecular forces Describe the difference in
structure of crystalline and
amorphous solids Describe the different types of
crystals and their properties:
ionic, covalent, molecular, and
metallic. Describe the nature of the
following phase changes in
terms of energy change and the
increase or decrease in
molecular order: solid-liquid,
liquid-vapor, and solid-vapor Interpret the phase diagram of
water and carbon dioxide (lab) measure and explain
the difference in the viscosity of
some liquids (lab) determine and explain
the heating and cooling curve
of a substance Describe the different types of
solutions Explain the effect of
temperature on the solubility of
a solid and of a gas Explain the effect of pressure
on the solubility of a gas Describe the effect of
concentration on the colligative
properties of solutions Differentiate the colligative
properties of nonelectrolyte
solutions and of electrolyte
solutions Calculate boiling point elevation
and freezing point depression
from the concentration of a
solute in a solution Calculate molar mass from
colligative property data (lab) perform acid-base
titration to determine
concentration of solutions (lab) determine the solubility
of a solid in a given amount of
water at different temperatures (lab) determine the molar
mass of a solid from the change
of melting point or boiling point
of a solution Explain the energy changes
during chemical reactions Distinguish between exothermic
and endothermic processes Explain the first law of
thermodynamics Explain enthalpy of a reaction. Equation for a chemical reaction Calculate the change in
enthalpy of a given reaction
using hess law (lab) do exercises on
thermochemical calculations (lab)determine the heat of
neutralization of an acid Describe how various factors
influence the rate of a reaction Write the mathematical
relationship between the rate of
a reaction, rate constant, and
concentration of the reactants Differentiate zero, first-, and
second-order reactions Write the rate law for first-order
reaction Discuss the effect of reactant
concentration on the half-time
of a first-order reaction Explain the effect of
temperature on the rate of a reaction Explain reactions qualitatively in
terms of molecular collisions Explain activation energy and
how a catalyst affects the
reaction rate Cite and differentiate the types
of catalysts (lab)determine the effect of
various factors on the rate of a

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