Celebrating diversity through world literature. Module 2, Establishing solidarity: lesson 3

Learning Material, Learning Guide  |  PDF

This material is composed of a variety of texts and communicative and real-life based activities aimed to develop and improve learners' skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
1. assess the effectiveness of the ideas presented in the material viewed, taking into account its purpose

2. switch from one listening strategy to another to extract meaning from the listening text

3. transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice versa

4. explain illustrations from linear to non-linear texts and vice versa

5. give technical and operational definitions

6. express appreciation for sensory images used

7. observe correct grammar in making definitions

8. employ appropriate pitch, stress, juncture, intonation, in oral delivery

9. identify parts and features of argumentative essays

10. formulate claims of fact, policy, and value

11. present information using tables, graphs, and maps

12. assess whether the speaker’s purpose is achieved or not

13. assess the effectiveness of the ideas presented in the material viewed taking
into account its purpose

14. explain how the elements specific to a selection build its theme

15. scan for needed information

16. evaluate listening texts in terms of accuracy, validity, adequacy, and relevance

17. detect bias and prejudice in the material viewed

18. employ analytical listening in problem solving

19. detect bias and prejudice in the material viewed

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 10
Reading Comprehension Listening Comprehension Literature Writing and Composition Oral Language and Fluency
Learners, Students

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Department of Education
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