Changes of state

Learning Material, Learning Guide, Learning Module  |  Interactive Lesson  |  RAR

Published on 2018 July 26th

Explore how physical changes of state can be brought about by supplying heat energy to, or removing heat energy from, different substances. For example, select a substance such as iodine crystals or ice cubes and observe what happens when heat energy is added. Then remove heat energy to see how the process is reversed. Observe the changes of state at both the physical and particle levels. Explain the different properties of solids, liquids and gases in terms of their particle movement. This learning object is a combination of three objects in the same series.
1. Students explain that changes of state occur when heat energy is added to, or removed from, a substance.
2. Students identify that changes of state – melting and freezing, evaporation and condensation, and sublimation and reverse sublimation – are reversible physical changes.
3. Students explain that, unlike water, iodine will directly change from solid to gas and vice versa.
4. Students describe the properties of solids, liquids and gases in terms of their particles. During a change of state the particles of a substance do not change but their movement and the way they are packed together does change.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10
Force Motion and Energy
Learners, Students

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Education Services Australia
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