Balance the blobs: find the rule 2

Learning Material  |  Interactive Lesson

Published on 2018 August 13th

Balance scales by using blobs. Explore how many black blobs and white blobs balance each other. Discover the rule that balances the scales with the correct number and type of blobs. For example, 3 black blobs balance 2 white blobs. Find out how many black blobs balance 4 white blobs. Build a number pattern. Then use the rule to solve a problem by moving blobs to make the scales balance. Go on to balancing scales with black, white and grey blobs. This learning object is the second in a series of three learning objects.
Students identify the numerical relationship (ratio) between two types of items.
Students investigate multiplication number sentences to record the equivalent relations.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 4, Grade 3, Grade 5, Grade 6
Numbers and Number Sense Patterns and Algebra
Learners, Students

Copyright Information

Education Sevices Australia

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