Area counting with Coco

Learning Material  |  Interactive Lesson  |  RAR

Find the area of rectangles on a grid. Explore how the formula works for finding a rectangle's area. First, estimate the area of a chosen rectangle or compound rectangular shape on a grid. Second, work out the correct formula for finding area by placing rows and columns of squares inside the rectangles. Then, compare the actual area of the original shape with your first estimate. Practise applying the formula directly to a range of rectangular shapes. Includes finding the area of: 1. Rectangles; 2. Polygons made up of rectangles. This learning object is a combination of two objects in a series.
1. Students estimate the area of rectangles.
2. Students investigate the attribute of area by covering rectangles and compound shapes made up of rectangles.
3. Students use arrays to cover a shape in systematic ways.
4. Students explore the formula for calculating the area of rectangles.
5. Students apply their understanding of the formula to calculate the area of rectangles and compound shapes made up of rectangles.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 2, Grade 4, Grade 3
Educators, Learners, Students

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Education Services Australia
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