BEAM IV Unit 5: Force, Power, Work, and Energy

Teacher's Guide  |  ZIP

Learning guide in discussing the relationship of kinetic energy and potential energy to work and cite applications, Law of Conservation of Mechanical energy, and Laws of Thermodynamics.
1. Differentiate between kinetic energy and potential energy.
2. Define work operationally.
3. Explain the relationship of kinetic energy and potential energy to work and cite applications.
4. Explain how energy is conserved in a swinging pendulum.
5. Apply the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy in different situations.
6. Discuss the !st Law of thermodynamics as applied to roller coasters.
7. Illustrate the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 9
Force Motion and Energy
Perform activities to demonstrate conservation of mechanical energy

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