BEAM LG Gr. 10 Module 13-Mathematics Laws on Triangle Trigonometry Made Simple

Learning Material, Teacher's Guide  |  Worksheet  |  PDF

Published on 2017 July 7th

This learning material contains activities and exercises that will help students gain deeper understanding on laws of triangle.
1. Recall the properties of a triangle and the relations among its sides and angles.
2. Illustrate the rule on the inequalities in a triangle.
3. Solve problems involving the measures of the angles and sides in a right triangle using trigonometric functions.
4. Solve word problems on right triangles using trigonometric functions.
5. Solve problems involving triangles using the laws of sines and cosines.
5. Demonstrate ability to apply trigonometric functions, laws of sines and cosines to solve
-right triangles
-triangles using the Law of Sines
-triangles using the Law of Cosines

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 10
Educators, Learners
Derives the distance formula

Copyright Information

Basic Education Assistance for Mindanao
Department of Education, BEAM
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