Letter planet: igh, ear, str

Learning Material  |  Interactive Lesson  |  RAR

Published on 2014 June 2nd

Help a stranded space traveller return home by filling three fuel tanks with words that have the same letter pattern. Select words with combinations of 'igh', 'ear' or 'str'. Read and listen to model words. Select similar words with the same pattern and place them in the fuel tank. Then construct sentences by putting words in the appropriate order. Identify the word with the chosen letter combinations. This learning object is one of a series of five objects.

Students identify words containing the three-letter clusters: igh, ear and str.
Students construct sentences by placing words in the correct order.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 2
oral language phonological awareness phonics and word recognition vocabulary listening comprehension
Learners, Students

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Education Services Australia
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