Learning Exemplar Module 6: Animal / Fish Raising

Lesson Exemplar  |  PDF

This learning module focuses on Animal and Fish Raising under Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) for Grade 6 students. It examines important ideas in fish and animal husbandry, such as the advantages, consumer needs, and end products of these sectors. With hands-on lessons on income computation, business plan creation, and financial concepts like earnings, savings, and expenses, the subject highlights the scientific methods involved in growing fish and animals. In addition to learning how to use these abilities in practical situations, students will take part in activities that enhance their entrepreneurial attitude.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 6
Technology and Livelihood Education
Propagating trees and fruit trees
Educators, Learners
Conducts survey to find out persons in the community whose occupation is animal fourlegged fish raising kinds of fourlegged animalsfish being raised as means of livelihood possible hazards that animal raising can cause to the people and community ways to prevent hazards brought about by raising animals market demands for animalfish products and byproducts direct consumers or retailers benefits that can be derived from animalfish raising stories of successful entrepreneurs in animalfish raising Plans for the familys animal raising project

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Department of Education
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