Grade 1 Mathematics (Kinaray-a) Kuwarter 1 - Modyul 6: Semana 6 Pagvisualize kag Pagtugro kang Place Value kag Value ka 1 hasta sa 2 ka Digit nga Numero
This self learning module in Mathematics is intended for Grade learners wherein they will learn to
visualize and give the place value and value of a digit in one- and two-digit numbers.
At the end of the lesson, the learner is expected to:
a. visualize and give the place value and value of a digit in one- and two-digit numbers.
Curriculum Information
Education Type
K to 12
Grade Level
Grade 1
Learning Area
Numbers and Number Sense
Intended Users
Visualizes and gives the place
value and value of a digit in
one- and two-digit numbers.