Ziah's Summer Vacation

Storybooks  |  PDF

Published on 2023 December 27th

The story is designed for grade 5 learners to highlight the significance of Filipino family bonds while emphasizing the rich culture importance of native foods. By the end of the story, learners will be able to effectively recount the events that underscore the value of family ties and native cuisine.
1) Recount events effectively (ENG50L-Ij-1.8)
2) Provide evidence to support opinion/fact (ENG50L-IIf-3.5.1)
3) Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures - subordinate and coordinate conjunctions (ENG5G-IIh-8.3)
4) Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures - kinds of adjectives (ENG5G-IIe-5.3)

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 5
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: -aspects of verbs

Copyright Information

Emmylo Nillama (emmylo.villamas) - Lagha Elementary School - Extension, San Carlos City, NEGROS ISLAND REGION (NIR)
SDO - San Carlos City, Negros Occidental
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