Mathematics 6 Quarter 3 – Module 7: Surface Area of Solid/ Space Figures

Learning Material  |  PDF

Published on 2023 July 20th

This module is designed and written for Grade 6 learners. This helps them master the skills in visualizing and describing the surface area and naming the unit of measure used for measuring the surface area of solid/space figures.
The learner visualizes and describes the surface area and
names the unit of measure used for measuring the surface area of solid/space figures.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 6
Educators, Learners
Visualizes and describes surface area and names the unit of measure used for measuring the surface area of solidspace figures

Copyright Information

SORAYA LIBUNAO (soraya.libunao001) - Jonobjonob Elementary School, Escalante City, NEGROS ISLAND REGION (NIR)
DepEd SDO Escalante City
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