The Effect of Directed Thinking Activity on Noting Details

Research Materials  |  PDF

Published on 2023 January 23rd

This Professional Development Learning Resource is a study that focused on testing the effects of Directed Reading Activity on Noting Details of Grade Six Pupils.
1. What is the Comprehension Level on noting details of pupils before the Directed Reading - Thinking Activity? 2. What is the comprehension level on noting details of pupils after the Directed Reading - Thinking Activity? 3. Is there a significant difference in the level of comprehension on noting details before and after the Directed Reading - Thinking Activity? 4. What are the experiences of pupils when exposed to Directed Reading - Thinking Activity?

Curriculum Information

Professional Development
Teachers, School Heads, Supervisors

Copyright Information

Sheila Mae Misamen (sheilamaemisamen) - Kabankalan City, NEGROS ISLAND REGION (NIR)
SDO-Kabankalan City
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