Applying Safety Measures in Farm Operations (ASMFO) (Determining areas of concern for safety measures)

Learning Material  |  PDF

Published on 2023 January 25th

This module was designed and written to guide you to acquire the learning competencies and develop your skills in determining areas of concern for safety measures. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. However, the order in which you read the module can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
1. Apply safety measures in
farm operations
1.1 Determine areas of concern

for safety measures

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 11
Health in the Arts
Develops proper personal hygiene

Copyright Information

Rogie Sabado
Department of Education
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