Self-Learning Module- Quarter 2-English: Grade 7, Modules 1-7

Self Learning Module  |  ZIP

Published on 2022 July 1st

Contents: 1. English 7: Quarter 2- Module 1: Use Listening Strategies Based on Purpose, Familiarity with the Topic and Levels of Difficulty of Short Texts Listened to. 2. English 7: Quarter 2- Module 2: The Search Engine. 3. English 7: Quarter 2- Module 3: Information Sources. 4. English 7: Quarter 2- Module 4: Extracting Information using a Summary, a Precise and Paraphrase. 5. English 7: Quarter 2- Module 5: Print and Broadcast Media. 6. English 7: Quarter 2- Module 6: Word Analogies. 7. English 7: Quarter 2- Module 7: Linear and Non-Linear Texts.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 7
Listening Comprehension
Educators, Learners
Use different listening strategies based on purpose, topic and levels of difficulty of simple informative and short narrative texts Note specific details of the text listened to Infer thoughts and feelings expressed in the text listened to

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Department of Education
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