Lesson guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade 6: Chapter IV Measurement, Surface Area

Learning Guide  |  Textbook  |  PDF

Published on 2011 September 30th

A part of lesson guide in Elementary Mathematics Grade 6 that focuses on measuring surface area of solids and plane figures. It contains formulas and equations for solving various problems regarding surface areas.
To develop the students ability to:
1. Tell the surface area of solids,
2. Tell the unit of measure used for measuring the surface area of solids,
3. Find the formula for the area of the following plane figures:
- Parallelogram
- Triangles
- Trapezoids
- Circles,
4. Derive a formula for finding the surface area of:
- Cubes
- Prisms
- Cylinders,
5. Apply the measurement of surface area

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 6
Tell the surface area of solids Tell the unit of measure used for measuring the surface area of solids  Find the area formula of the following plane figures Derive a formula for finding the surface area Application of measurement of surface area 

Copyright Information

Department of Education – Bureau of Elementary Education
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