Self Learning Module_Quarter 2_Grade 5_English_Module 1 to Module 4

Self Learning Module  |  ZIP

Published on 2022 February 17th

This file contains the ff. modules: Module 1, Lesson 1: Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using the Different Aspects of Verbs Module 1, Lesson 2: Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using Correct Modals Module 2: Identifying Point of View Module 3, Lesson 1: Identifying Stereotypes Module 3, Lesson 2: Identifying Propaganda Techniques Module 3, Lesson 3: Examining Images which Present Particular Viewpoints or Opinions Module 4: Distinguishing among Various Types of Viewing Materials
Module 1, Lesson 1:
-identify verbs in sentences;
- identify the different aspects of verbs and their different forms;
(simple, perfect, progressive, and perfect progressive aspects)
- supply a correct verb to complete sentences; and
-compose clear and coherent sentences using the aspects of verbs
Module 1, Lesson 2:
-identify common modals (can, could, may, must, might, shall, should, will,
and would) in sentences;
-get familiar with the meanings and functions of the modals can, could,
may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would;
- complete sentences using correct modals; and
-compose clear and coherent sentences using the correct modals.
Module 2:
- define point of view; and
-identify the point of view used in familiar texts.
Module 3, Lesson 1:
-recognize four common types of stereotypes(gender, age, racial, and
- identify gender, age, racial, and social-class stereotypes in sentences;
-develop respect and tolerance on the perspectives of others
Module 3, Lesson 2:
- define propaganda and the different propaganda techniques;
- distinguish types of propaganda techniques; and
- develop tolerance or show respect for others’ point of view
Module 3, Lesson 3:
- define propaganda and the different propaganda techniques;
-distinguish types of propaganda techniques; and
- develop tolerance or show respect for others’ point of view
Module 4:
- define what viewing materials are; and
- distinguish among various types of viewing materials.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 5
Grammar Viewing Comprehension
Educators, Learners
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: -aspects of verbs Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: - collective nouns and verb agreement

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