Self Learning Module - Quarter 2 - General Mathematics: Senior High School, Modules 1 to 20

Session Guides/Modules  |  ZIP

Published on 2022 July 4th

Contents: 1. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 1: Simple and Compound Interests. 2. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 2: Interest, Maturity, Future, and 3. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 1: Present Values in Simple and Compound Interests. 3. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 3: Solving Problems Involving Simple and Compound Interest. 4. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 4: Simple and General Annuities. 5. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 5: Future and Present Values of Simple and General Annuities. 6. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 6: Fair Market Value of a Cash Flow. 7. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 7: Deferred Annuity. 8. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 8: Stocks and Bonds. 9. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 9: Different Markets for Stocks and Bonds. 10. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 10: Market Indices for Stocks and Bonds. 11. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 11: Business and Consumer Loans. 12. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 12: Solving Problems on Business and Consumer Loans. 13. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 13: Propositions. 14. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 14: Simple and Compound Propositions. 15. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 15: Logical Operators. 16. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 16: Truth Values of Propositions. 17. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 17: Logical Equivalence and Conditional Propositions. 18. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 18: Tautologies and Fallacies. 19. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 19: Validity of Categorical Syllogisms. 20. General Mathematics ,SHS, Quarter 2 - Module 20: Valid Arguments and Fallacies.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. compute interest, maturity value, future value, and present value in simple
interest environment;
2. compute interest, maturity value, future value, and present value in compound
interest environment; and
3. derive the formula of simple and compound interest to compute the maturity,
future, and present value.

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