Distinguishing Writing Patterns: Comparison and Contrast, Cause and Effect, Problem-Solution, Persuasion

Learning Material, Activity Sheets  |  PDF

Published on 2021 April 14th

This Activity Sheet aims the learner to: 1) examine aspects of a text to determine the writing pattern used, 2) write a paragraph using any of the patterns discussed, and 3) create a graphic organizer summarizing the main points of a given text.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 11
Reading and Thinking Strategies Across Text types Text and Context Connections (Critical Reading)
Describes a written text as connected discourse Distinguishes between and among patterns of
development in writing across disciplines
a. narration
b. description
c. definition
d. exemplification / classification
e. comparison and contrast
f. cause and effect
g. problem - solution
h. persuasion Identifies properties of a well-written text
a. organization
b. coherence and cohesion
c. language use
d. mechanics

Copyright Information

Patricio Dawaton
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