Developed as a supplement or reference for teachers in conducting learning sessions with teachers, in teaching, or in extracurricular activities of children.
Personal health
Personal Health
Growth and Development
Family Health I
Family Health II
Intended Users
Educators, Learners
Describes a mentally emotionally and socially healthy person
Discusses the effects of mental emotional and social health concerns on ones health and well being
Describes the physical emotional and social changes during puberty
Accepts changes as a normal part of growth and development
Describes common misconceptions related on puberty
Assesses the issues in terms of scientific basis and probable effects on health
Describes the common health issues and concerns during puberty
Accepts that most of these concerns are normal consequence of bodily changes during puberty but one can learn to manage them
Demonstrates empathy for persons undergoing these concerns and problems
Discusses the negative health impact and ways of preventing major issues such as early and unwanted pregnancy
Demonstrates ways to manage pubertyrelated health issues and concerns
Discusses the importance of seeking the advice of professionals trusted and reliable adults in managing pubertyrelated health issues and concerns
Differentiates sex from gender
Identifies factors that influence gender identity and gender roles
Gives examples of how male and female gender roles are changing
Discusses the concept of holistic health
Explains the dimensions of holistic health physical mental intellectual emotional social and moralspiritual
Analyzes the interplay among the health dimensions in developing holistic health
Practices health habits to achieve holistic health
Describes developmental milestones as one grow
Describes changes in different aspects of growth that happen to boys and girls during adolescence
Explains that the pattern of change during adolescence is similar but the pace of growth and development is unique for each adolescent
Identifies health concerns during adolescence
Applies coping skills in dealing with health concerns during adolescence