Pagkain, Paano Ka Tunawin?

Learning Material, Modules  |  PDF

Published on 2018 April 20th

This module provides information about the digestive system, its parts and how it functions as it digests the foods being taken in
Can explain the importance of digestive system and the ideas connected to it
Can identify the common digestive illnesses and its symptoms
Can identify the different helpful tips on taking care of the digestive system
Can use the knowledge on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division from 1 to 20

Curriculum Information

Alternative Learning System
Basic Literacy
Educators, Learners
Relate the structure of the digestive system to its functions,
e.g., mouth and teeth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine,
liver, gall bladder, pancreas, large intestine and anus. Demonstrate healthful habits in taking care of the digestive
system, e.g., proper diet, personal hygiene, sanitation and
good health habits.

Copyright Information

Department of Education
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