Ako’y Ako, Bakit Kaya?

Learning Material  |  PDF

Published on 2018 April 20th

This learner’s material provides information on the concept of self-awareness and self-worth. It also includes activities that reinforces numeracy skill.
At the end of the module, the learner is expected to:
1. show self-awareness by sharing about one’s self;
2. discover and help improve one’s abilities / potentials;
3. write a short story about one’s habits and traits;
4. explain the factors that influence one’s self e.g. family, environment, friends, activity, and religion; and
5. computes differences in age, anniversaries, and other occasions using knowledge of the calendar.

Curriculum Information

Alternative Learning System
Basic Literacy
Educators, Learners
Self-awareness: learning to know oneself Describe oneself according to interests, hobbies, talents, skills (singing,
dancing, etc.); personal preferences (likes and dislikes); character traits and emotions (helpful,courteous, obedient, diligent, sincere,determined, sensitive, etc.); physical health (hygiene, good grooming etc.); dreams and ambitions , feelings (fears and hopes); preferred learning style(s) (audio-visual, manipulative); languages learned Identify one’s strengths and weaknesses Discuss the factors that influence oneself
positively and negatively family / heredity,friends/ peers, school/ schooling experience, health, sports, religion/faith, media, physical environment/ community, technology and science, military and related services, maturity, work, gender, rehabilitation

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