Mga Tambol ug Pabuto

Storybooks  |  Story Book  |  PDF

Published on 2020 December 17th

This small book has been written and illustrated based on the Teachers Guide in Grade 1- MTB- MLE. The lesson is found in Quarter 3, Week 4, Lesson no.9 with Oral Language (MT1OL-IIIa-i-6.2) Phonics and Word Recognition (MT1PWR-IIIa-i-7.1) Fluency (MT1F-III-IVa-j-1.3)Composing ( MT1C-IIIa-e-1.3) Grammar Awareness (MT1GA-IIIc-e-2.3.1) Vocabulary and Concept Development (MT1VCD-IIIa-i-2.1.1) Listening Comprehension (MT1LC-IIIa-i-2.1.1) Reading Comprehension ( MT1RC-IIId-3.1)Attitude Towards Reading (MT1ATR-IIIa-j-4.1) This intends to support the pupils development specifically on identifying the tense of the action word in the sentence and sequencing events. This aims to develop among the children the skills of listening, reading, writing and expressing ideas through phrases and sentences. The story provides the learners information about the innocence of a little boy who sees gladness amidst great downpour.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 1
Mother Tongue
Oral Language Fluency Composing Grammar Awareness Vocabulary and Concept Development Phonics and Word Recognition Listening Comprehension
Educators, Learners

Copyright Information

Ormoc City LRMDS, Ma. Violeta Superino-Noya
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