Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction in the Philippines: Lesson exemplars: Science 1

Teacher's Guide, Learning Module  |  -  |  PDF

Published on 2016 August 22nd

The lesson exemplars contained in this document guide the teachers on the main hazards and DRR ideas that should be conveyed to the students, as well as the strategy of delivery, viz. motivation, activities, analysis, abstraction, and application. Lesson exemplars included in this document are: Climate Change Heat Wave Fire Landslide Tsunami Flooding Tropical Cyclone Tornado
The institutionalization of these lesson exemplars in the regular teaching of Science aims to build the capacity of teachers on DRR and enable them to contribute to the resilience of students and communities.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 4
Injury Prevention Safety and First Aid
Recognizes disasters or emergency situations Demonstrates proper response before during and after a disaster or an emergency situation Relates disaster preparedness and proper response during emergency situations in preserving lives Describes appropriate safety measures during special events or situations that may put people at risk

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Department of Education
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