Tessellate decorate: rectangles

Learning Material

Published on 2014 June 2nd

Decorate a room in a house with patterns made of rectangles. Choose a part of the room to decorate. Select a tessellation of rectangles to make. Copy the pattern and see it cover part of the room. Finish decorating the room with two more tessellations. Create your own designs with the rectangles in the play space. This learning object is one in a series of eight objects.
Students position rectangles to recreate tessellations.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 1, Grade 2
Patterns and algebra Measurement Patterns and Algebra
Constructs equivalent number expression using addition and subtraction Determines the missing terms in a given repeating pattern using one attributeletters numbers colors figures sizes etc Determines the missing terms in a given continuous pattern using one attribute letters numbersevents Identifies and creates patterns to compose and decompose using addition Visualizes and finds the missing number in an addition or subtraction sentence using a variety of ways Tells the days in a week months in a year in the right order Determines the day or the month using a calendar Tells and writes time by hour halfhour and quarterhour using analog clock Solves problems involving time days in a week months in a year hour halfhour and quarterhour Compares objects using comparative words short shorter shortest long longer longest heavy heavier heaviest light lighter lightest Estimates and measures length using non standard units of linear measures Estimates and measures mass using nonstandard units of mass measure Estimates and measures capacity using nonstandard unit Determines the missing terms in a given continuous pattern using two attributes any two of the following figures numbers colors sizes and orientations etc Visualizes and finds the missing value in a number sentence involving multiplication or division of whole numbers using 2 3 4 5 and 10 only Tells and writes time in minutes including am and pm using analog and digital clocks Visualizes and finds the elapsed time in days Visualizes represents and solves problems involving time minutes including am and pm and elapsed time in days Shows and uses the appropriate unit of length and their abbreviation cm and m to measure a particular object Compares length in meters or centimeters Measures objects using appropriate measuring tools in m or cm Estimates and measures length using meter or centimeter Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving length Shows and uses the appropriate unit of weight and their abbreviations g and kg to measure a particular object Compares mass in grams or kilograms Measures objects using appropriate measuring units in g or kg Estimates and measures mass using gram or kilogram Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving mass Measures objects using appropriate measuring tools in ml or l Creates problems involving length mass and capacity Illustrates area as a measure of how much surface is covered or occupied by a plane figure Finds the area of a given figure using squaretile units ie number of squaretiles needed Estimates the area of a given figure using any shape Solves routine and nonroutine problems involving any figure using square tiles

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