Article: surgery and the wii

Learning Material  |  Interactive Lesson

Published on 2010 February 22nd

The article manifests that Surgeons may perform better in the operating theatre by engaging themselves in playing the Nintendo Wii based on US study. With readind ang language activity
Enhance vocabulary and reading competencies through engaging with the language activities, To look on the positive contribution of Nintendo Wii to health community as an interactive game console, Establish a learning environment to become socially and academically aware

Curriculum Information

Secondary School
1st Year, 2nd Year, 3rd Year, 4th Year
English, Science
Educators, Learners, Students
Organize ideas Perceive relationship Cite local superstitious beliefs and practices/ways of thinking that are related to science and technology and those without scientific basis Cite how science and technology influence people’s lives.

Copyright Information

British council
Free for non commercial educational use purposes

Technical Information