Radio: saving the environment

Learning Material  |  Interactive Lesson  |  ZIP

Published on 2010 February 22nd

A radio show explained different environmental problems and possible solutions to save the earth. With podcast and writing exercise
To inform the students about the environmental problems and what they can have done, To stimulate the students towards sustainability, To establish sense of community in saving the environment, To encourage the student to patronize proper recycling, Help the students to practice and exhibit reading comprehension skills, To understand the pieces of information in determining the facts and opinion,

Curriculum Information

Secondary School
Grade 5, Grade 6, 1st Year, 2nd Year
English, Science
english 5 science 5 science 6 integrated science english 6
Educators, Learners, Students
Illustrate the interdependence of plants and animals for gasses through the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle Explain that some activities of people disrupt the cycles of an ecosystem Predict the effects of over population in a community Demonstrate commitment and concern in preserving/conserving the balance of life in the ecosystem Note significant details Organize ideas Perceive relationship Respond in writing based on stimuli and triggers

Copyright Information

Free for non commercial educational use purposes

Technical Information

6.89 MB