Mathematics 1: Waray Unit 4 Learner’s Material

Learning Material  |  PDF

Published on 2014 June 20th

This material consists of lessons and activity sheets for understanding key concepts and skills in Grade 1 Mathematics.
1. Apply the concept of cardinal and ordinal numbers up to 100 in various contexts.
2. Solve addition and subtraction problems.
3. Create a model to represent the concept of halves and fourths using whole objects and sets

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 1
Statistics and Probability Measurement
Learners, Students
Collects data on one variable through simple interview Sorts classifies and organizes data in tabular form and presents this into a pictograph without scales Tells the days in a week months in a year in the right order Determines the day or the month using a calendar Tells and writes time by hour halfhour and quarterhour using analog clock Solves problems involving time days in a week months in a year hour halfhour and quarterhour Compares objects using comparative words short shorter shortest long longer longest heavy heavier heaviest light lighter lightest Estimates and measures length using non standard units of linear measures Estimates and measures mass using nonstandard units of mass measure Estimates and measures capacity using nonstandard unit Infers and interprets data presented in a pictograph without scales Solves routine and nonroutine problems using data presented in pictograph without scales Tells whether an event is likely or unlikely to happen Describe events in reallife situations using the phrases likely or unlikely to happen eg tomorrow it will rain

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Department of Education
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94 p.