Health 1: Sinugbuanong Binisaya Unit 2 Learner’s Material

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Published on 2014 June 18th

This learning material teaches the students of the importance of having a good health habits, proper posture and good sleeping habit.
Demonstrate proper hands and feet washing.
Identify things that we use in washing hands and feet.
Practice good health habits.
Show proper practices in coughing and sneezing.
Choose proper clothes to wear on different occasions.
Develop good sleeping habit.
Arrange their bed before and after sleeping
Explain the importance of proper posture.
Practice proper posture in their daily life.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 1
Personal Health
Learners, Students
Demonstrate proper hand washing Practices habits of keeping the body clean and healthy Identifies proper behavior during mealtime Realizes the importance of washing hands Realizes the importance of practicing good health habits

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Department of Education
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3.11 MB bytes
40 p.