Self-Learning Modules - Quarter 4 - Health: Grade 8, Modules 1 to 5

Self Learning Module  |  ZIP

Published on 2022 August 25th

Contents: 1. Health ,Grade 8, Quarter 4 - Module 1: Addiction?No Way!. 2. Health ,Grade 8, Quarter 4 - Module 2: Impact of Cigarette Smoking. 3. Health ,Grade 8, Quarter 4 - Module 3: Battle Against Bottle. 4. Health ,Grade 8, Quarter 4 - Module 4: Better Choices, Better Life. 5. Health ,Grade 8, Quarter 4 - Module 5: Vices-Free Life: A Goal.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 8
Prevention of Substance Use and Abuse (Gateway Drugs: Cigarette and Alcohol)
Educators, Learners
Discusses gateway drugs Identifies reasons why people smoke cigarettes Analyzes the negative health impact of cigarette smoking; describes the harmful short- and long-term effects of cigarette smoking on the different parts of the body; discusses the dangers of mainstream, second hand and third hand smoke; explains the impact of cigarette smoking on the family, environment, and community Identifies reasons for drinking and for not drinking alcohol Analyzes the negative health impact of drinking alcohol; describes the harmful short- and long-term effects of drinking alcohol; interprets blood alcohol concentration (bac) in terms of physiological changes in the body Explains the impact of drinking alcohol on the family, and community Discusses strategies in the prevention and control of cigarette smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages; apply resistance skills in situations related to cigarette and alcohol use; follows policies and laws in the family, school and community related to cigarette and alcohol use Suggests healthy alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol to promote healthy lifestyle (self, family, community)

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Department of Education
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