DOST - Project NOAH

Learning Material

Published on 2015 August 20th

Web portal of the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH) Project of the Department of Science and Technology that helps provide early warnings for typhoons and disasters by using an IT network to automate data gathering, modelling, and information output for flood forecasts.
1. Develop high-resolution hazard maps for various type of natural hazards using frontier science and cutting-edge technology.
2. Undertake investigations in meteorological and geological hazards to improve the country’s capability to prevent and mitigate the potentially disastrous impacts of natural hazards.
3. Systematically simulate, validate, and improve geohazard maps.
4. Integrate and assist other agencies in identifying meteorological and geological hazards with the ultimate objective of promoting safety in communities affected by natural hazards.
5. Collaborate with similar institutions or organizations, both national and international, in furtherance of the above purposes.

Curriculum Information

K to 12
Grade 5
Earth and Space
Educators, Learners, Students
Observe the changes in the weather before during and after a typhoon Describe the effects of a typhoon on the community Describe the effects of the winds given a certain storm warning signal

Copyright Information

Department of Science and Technology

Technical Information

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